what to say to a girl for her to send a pic of her to you

You're about to discover a consummate breakup of what to say to a girl on Tinder.

From how to showtime the conversation right through to coming together up in real life.

Considering nosotros all know Tinder provides the states with i GIGANTIC headache…

What the hell do yous say to a complete stranger?!

It'due south easy plenty to get matches, but damn right catchy to turn those matches into a successful conversation.

In that location'due south constructing the opener, keeping the conversation moving, and then ultimately, how you become a girl off of Tinder and into existent life.

And then if you're stuck not knowing how to message a girl on Tinder, then this guide is for you. It's a pace-by-footstep breakup of every stage in the storyline. You'll discover how to:

  1. Contour your matches
  2. Ship the perfect opening message
  3. Continue the conversation rolling
  4. Ask the girl out on a date / substitution numbers

And you'll notice 30+ screenshots of my personal Tinder interactions to show you the correct and incorrect ways to message your matches!

TRENDING: Discover 8 powerful messages that guarantee you a date on Tinder. Copy and Paste these 8 controversial messages on Tinder, Bumble and Hinge if y'all dare!

Now, I'll presume you lot've already accumulated some matches, so permit's dive straight into Stride 1…

one. Profiling your Matches

Offset things first, earlier y'all jump the gun and bulletin a daughter on Tinder, you've gotta take thirty short seconds to skim through her profile.

Information technology's the most overlooked step, and probably the about important.

Why? Because you can gain so much info from a bio, even just from a couple of generic selfies.

Not only does it help you lot to call up upwards a specific opener, simply it also enables you to suss out what type of daughter you're dealing with:

Is she the Vicar's girl type, a party girl, a selfie queen, or a batshit crazy psycho who has a tendency to cardinal cars?

Basically by profiling your matches, you can gauge their personality, find common ground (if whatever), and work out a style of messaging that suits their persona.

But like you lot wouldn't ask a muslim chick out to vino tasting, or message a Harvard English Lit grad with sloppy spelling and grammar…

You desire to speak to your target market in the right way.

What to say to a girl on tinder style of messaging

And just a 30 2d browse of her bio is enough to build a character profile of your match.

So get full detective mode on her bio, pics, interests, and if y'all're lucky… her Instagram photos.

Try and observe something yous take in common – places she's visited, hobbies she'due south into, nutrient she likes etc.

Or failure to that, look for piece of cake chat starters, similar whatever of these photos I've been spoon fed with:

what to say to a girl on tinder easy conversation starters

Past doing this, you'll be able to craft the perfect unique first bulletin to grab her attention and become her excited to bulletin you back.

Rather than messaging her like every other homo and his dog starting with "hey", "hey how are you?" or "Whats up".

2. Sending the Outset Message

Once y'all've a good grasp of the type of daughter you've matched with, information technology's fourth dimension to send the first bulletin….

And don't worry if your Tinder lucifer falls into the elusive category – with only a single, generic picture and a blank canvas for her bio.

I'll comprehend how to send 'ane-size-fits-all' first messages also.

But first, let's speedily cover the don'ts – start messages that volition ensure a quick fire manner to become you unmatched or ghosted.

Tinder Offset Message Don'ts

Avoid making any of these common mistakes when starting out what to say to a daughter on Tinder:

Complimenting her Physical Appearance

Your friction match doesn't need reminding how beautiful her smile is, or how gorgeous she looks in that bikini moving picture. The only kind of reply this warrants is "aww thanks"

Information technology'due south a bit cringeworthy and bordering on creepy. And shows yous're already putting her on a pedestal.

The fact you've swiped right is enough to show you dig her looks. No need to reinforce it.

Sending Tedious, Generic Messages Like "Hey" or "Hi, how are yous?"

Doing this volition put y'all at risk of blending in with the hundreds of other guys messaging her.

Messaging a girl with "hey, how was your day?" ain't gonna get her messaging you dorsum in a hurry, unless your pics rival the likes of Brad Pitt or Ryan Gosling in the looks department.

This lazy human being'south approach (strangely) does become the odd reply, however it fails to set up the chat well. It's pretty much doomed from the outset. Yawn…next.

Existence Overtly Sexual

This one is pretty much a given. However it's surprising how many guys get explicit right from the get go.

being too sexual with a girl on tinder

too sexual on tinder

Remember it's a Existent person on the other cease receiving your texts.

In that location'due south but a 1% gamble being overtly sexual and straight to the betoken might actually piece of work for a beginning message…

…That's when you're returning home from an unsuccessful drunken nighttime out, horny with blue assurance, and message a girl on Tinder as a final resort before devouring a donor kebab.

And it just so happens your Tinder match is in a similar situation (minus the blueish balls).

Tinder Starting time Bulletin Do's

Ok then those are the Don'ts, now lets wait at the Do'southward for starting a conversation with a daughter on Tinder.

VIDEO: If you want to get your Tinder match out on a date chop-chop, watch this:

(It's the all-time fashion to get girls addicted to your messages on Tinder in the shortest space of time)

Personalized to Perfection

'Stalking' your matches bios, pics and Instagram accounts volition help save the headache of not knowing what to say to a girl on Tinder.

Taking 30 seconds to scan her bio, will spoon feed you lot some solid textile to utilize for an opening bulletin.

And with this, you'll stand out from the crowded pool of Tinder guys you're in direct contest with by sending a unique bulletin near 1 of her pics, or something written in her bio – hobbies, a quote, likes or dislikes etc.

Especially if you can discover common ground.

The key with this is to be playful and fun with your personalised message. Don't be like "Overnice surf pic, is that Bondi beach?"

Despite being personalized, it'south nonetheless pretty wearisome, and almost as lame equally starting with "Hey how are you?".

Instead be more than jokey, and challenge her:

"Strong photoshop skills with that surf pic…bet that isn't really you"

Lets look at some more personalized first bulletin examples of some of my Tinder interactions:

Showtime off, using a daughter'due south bio to form a solid opener:

how to start a conversation on tinder openers

starting a conversation on tinder example

Then there's the really close detective piece of work… Most people wouldn't pick up on this.

(In the UK, Cider is very pop in the westward state, it's kind of a running joke)

personalised messages to send on tinder

personalised messages to send to a girl on tinder

And lastly, with this match, I didn't have much to proceed, but noticed a moving-picture show of her dancing in the kitchen. Her facial expression looked like she was in awe of something…

specific openers to send a girl on tinder

specific openers to send on tinder

Quick recap: Conduct a 30 second research of your matches bio and pics. If possible, tailor the opening message to something you lot find. And something that you lot feel is in the right style for her personality.

And don't be ho-hum with it. Be playful, funny or unlike. Endeavor and brand her FEEL something – happy, lol'ing, taken aback, bust her balls etc.

Naming the Proper noun

Simply including your matches' first name in a message will get you a high response charge per unit. It subconsciously creates an emotional bond like you've known each other for years.

using the girls name for first tinder message

Information technology'south a useful ploy if your matches' profile is generic – y'all have cipher to piece of work with.

A Whiff of GIF

If you're really clutching at straws, and don't know what to say to a daughter on Tinder… try opening with a funny GIF

Studies show you're 30% more than likely to become a response by opening with a GIF, and conversations including GIFS last on average 2x longer.

Who would've thought hey? Welcome to the 21st century I guess.

using gifs on tinder

Starting a conversation with a GIF tends to piece of work meliorate with girls who appear to be embracing 2018 trends. Basically girls who have Snapchat dog filter pics, lots of selfies, and a worrying corporeality of emojis in their bio.

Same goes for emojis equally openers. Look at her bio – if information technology'southward littered with emojis, yous can be damn sure a waving boy emoji will get downwards a treat to kickoff the conversation off:

Evoke Emotion

You want to make her Experience something!

It doesn't matter what emotion you spark, simply do annihilation to avert sounding monotonic and lifeless. A proficient fashion to exam this is to read the message back to yourself before sending information technology.

Basically endeavour non to sound like a robot: "how-was-your-weekend?" Comprendez?

Shock her! confuse her…. bring a smile to her face, make her wonder about you. Anything like this and you're almost guaranteed some kind of response.

Send something that grabs her attention, even something a bit out there and whacky works too:

messaging a girl on tinder by grabbing her attention

Emotion evoking first Tinder letters work best for generic profiles, when you lot're struggling to recollect of something to send:

how to message a girl on tinder with emotion evoking texts

messaging a girl on tinder with emotion evoking texts

I Want to Play a Game

play a game on tinder

Kick off with a game is a fun way to start the chat.

And besides a roundabout technique to get to know the girl you lot've matched with. Rather than asking boring questions like "Practice you alive in LA?"

Here are some fun example games to open with:

Snog, Marry, Avoid

snog marry avoid tinder opener

Would you Rather Questions

would you rather tinder opener

Asking your match unusual or thought provoking questions is another 'piece of cake in' to force a reply if you lot're struggling with what to say to a girl on tinder.

Good go-to topics with girls are spirituality and star divination:

spirituality first messages on tinder

So there are some tips for starting the conversation on Tinder. At present let's look at how to keep the conversation going and button for the date!

3. Keeping the Conversation Moving

Different texting rules apply to Tinder compared with the traditional method of texting a daughter you see on a night out.

Certain bad texting habits are oft overlooked with Tinder, to the point of really playing to your reward.

Messaging back straight away for example, (normally considered a big texting taboo) is counterintuitively a great tactic for keeping the conversation rolling on Tinder.

Why? Because Tinder is a fickle beast. Girls (and I'thousand sure boys too) have the attention span of a goldfish when it comes to messaging on the app.

So it's imperative to strike while the iron is hot! Conversations on Tinder demand to be fluid and fast paced if you lot want any risk of transitioning the conversation to Whatsapp or into a engagement.

Ideally yous want to go on texting in the present until you shut the deal (digits / set a date). No waiting 3 hours to send the next bulletin, or playing it cool and waiting it out a mean solar day or two.

Watch this video to learn exactly what Tinder letters you need to send to make a girl excited to meet up with you:

(With these viii magic messages yous volition get girls inviting themselves over to your place for sex tonight)

The Conversational Don'ts

Let's apace embrace the conversational no no'due south to avoid when talking to your Tinder matches:

Bragging for a Shagging

Don't brag, it just ain't cool. The fact your match has swiped correct for you is plenty to assume attraction already. There's no demand to continuously sell yourself to impress her.

The whole point of the chat is to get to know her, ask questions, and see if she'due south worth coming together upward with. Non to stand on a podium shouting "pick me, pick me! I'm astonishing!"

To exist fair, Tinder does have a bad rep for people using the platform purely to seek validation. People similar the feeling of being wanted, and the dopamine rush of getting a match is the only thing a lot of users are seeking. Not to actually use Tinder for information technology's purpose – to go on dates and message matches! Be on the prowl for these attending whores and steer well clear to avoid wasting your time!

The Job Interview

what to say to a girl on tinder job interview

Avoid being Mr Serious and treating the interaction like an interview. Never inquire questions like:

"What's your favourite sport / hobby"
"Do you get out partying a lot?"
"Whats your favourite nutrient?"
"Where exercise you meet yourself in 5 years?"

Understandably, you desire to become to know your match before asking her out on a engagement. But in that location's a sure mode to go about this without grilling her with 21 questions. More on how to do that in a sec…

Subject Sticking

The conversation might exist going slap-up, and your match might exist LOLing or LMAO'ing about something funny you said. Just don't labour the point. Keep the conversation moving.

Here'due south an case of subject sticking with a girl from Belarus:

avoid subject stick with a girl on tinder

What might work well there and then, might not necessarily have the same effect later down the line.

Now permit's look at the fine art of making good chat on Tinder. Consummate this stage well and she'll be gagging for a date 😉

The Conversational Do'southward

Recall of your conversations on Tinder like a fast flowing river.

You want to follow the electric current, permit it lead y'all down it's path. Permit the conversation to naturally flow, progressively going further and deeper.

The moment y'all digress (suddenly change the topic), the river forks off and the flow of h2o becomes weaker, much like the conversation.

To keep the chat fast paced, you need to be a good listener – pay close attention to what she writes, and pick up on something she says as material for what you say adjacent.

The art of building rapport and forming a connection with a daughter, is letting the chat organically menstruation without stumbling blocks and U turns getting in the way.

Often bad conversations occur from being on a unlike wavelength (intellectually or creatively) or when theres a axiomatic language /culture-banter bulwark:

bad conversation on tinder

These kind of conversations oftentimes go nowhere unless yous work out a manner of messaging that suits their persona. Otherwise the conversation whittles down to a the flow of a baby boy pissing.

In comparison, hither's a conversation with an Aussie chick that leads to a date:

what to say to a girl on tinder good conversation

You know when you 'click' with a girl, and she'll know also. Developing your conversational skills and knowing what to say to a girl on Tinder will aid you make a connectedness with more than of your matches. And information technology might even lead to them asking YOU out for a engagement! Similar the example higher up.

'Clicking' is a prerequisite for request a girl out. If yous establish a strong connection and barrack well, she'll happily hand over her digits.

With that in heed, lets wait at some tactics to keep the conversation fun, and flowing into destination click-land.

Playful and Funny

Proceed the fun vibe alive by the offset text.

A lot of guys open with a killer first bulletin just fail to back it up with the same level of playfulness. They regress into tedious conversation, leaving the girl wondering 'WTF happened to this cheeky fun loving guy?!'

If you encounter serious and boring, your matches won't wanna appointment y'all. How you lot message her is a reflection of what she'd imagine you to be like in person.

If you tin can't recollect of something funny to say… don't say anything at all!

"How about this conditions hey?"
"Hopefully the rain stops soon"

A Tinder starting time engagement is intimidating and bad-mannered enough as it is…then your matches are looking for a fun piece of cake going guy who can take the pressure off.

Make sure you proceed the conversation light hearted. Avoid asking serious questions, or going full blown Descartes on her donkey:

"I recollect, therefore I am"

And endeavor to avert personal questions. Whatever mention of ex'due south or bringing upward your life struggles are big scarlet flags!

A good mode to dodge the wearisome bullet is to re-parcel a wearisome question to get in audio fun.

For example, rather than request a girl what she does for work, instead spruce it up by playing the guessing game:

guessing game messaging on tinder


Mix up the dynamic with a fantasy scenario.

Function-playing is a keen mode to help your matches escape the mundanity of everyday life. If your match has a sense of humour, she'll be eager to play along.

Information technology'due south a fail safety method to keep the conversation churning in a fun, informal mode.

Here are some great function-play scanarios to experiment:

  1. Robbing a banking concern – y'all're looking for an cohort
  2. Getting married – you have the band ready
  3. Run into the family / formal sit down down dinner

role-play with a girl on tinder

Exist the Claiming. Flip the Switch and Make HER Chase YOU

Reverse the power play. It's something she won't be expecting. Especially if she'southward a 9 or a 10.

Give her a number of tests she must laissez passer in order to be worthy of your time. She'll commencement qualifying herself to you lot, like she'south needs to earn your blessing.

what to say to a girl on Tinder by being the challenge

Also experiment using contrary psychology to go her chasing you. Pretend you wouldn't be uniform and claiming her opinions.

Being the challenge will keep her hooked throughout the conversation. Then have fun with information technology!


Pay shut attention to how she replies, and choice up on something she mentions as material for your adjacent text.

Eg. If y'all inquire her what her spirit beast is, and she replies with lion. Rather than jumping the gun and telling her what your spirit animal is, like in this text:

listen to what she says

Instead, use 'Panthera leo' equally the discipline of your next message to delve deeper into the conversation. Hither are some examples of a adept reply:

"Why a lion, practise you similar pouncing on your Tinder casualty?"

"ohh you must be dangerous…I should tread lightly incase you consume me for lunch"

Or use a Lion Male monarch reference:

"Are you more of a Mufasa, Scar, or a Nala looking for her Simba?

Or "Maybe I can be Simba to your Nala"

Listening will ensure the conversation flows smoothly like the Amazonian river.

If the conversation is going well, information technology'south fast paced and you're getting some clear signs she'southward excavation your advanced Tinder chat, it's time to motility to the final step…asking her out.

4. Request a Girl Out on Tinder

A crude time frame to benchmark for asking a girl out on Tinder should exist less than 24 hours after you transport the first message.

A lot depends on the situation of class. But ideally yous close the deal (get her digits / ask her out) within 5-20 messages dorsum and forth.

And it's best to practise this within 'i session'. i.e transport the first message at 6pm and have the date confirmed in the planner earlier you go to sleep that very same nighttime.

But when is the right time to ask her out?

Y'all want to ask a girl out when her interest and investment level is peaking.

Then think of your Tinder matches' interest for a appointment like a reverted U graph:

interest for a date on tinder

Her interest will gradually climb from the first message you lot send to it's tiptop (betwixt 5-20 messages).

When her interest peaks, no matter what you say or how yous phrase the appointment text, she'll be shouting Aye down her phone!

But if you miss the peak and fail to ask her out, her involvement level will quickly nose swoop to null.

And it works both ways. If you ask her out on a engagement likewise early, before her interest peaks, you risk scaring her off.

So the secret is knowing how to tell when y'all've reached Everest Basecamp with a daughter you're messaging.

And to exercise this, yous need to pick up on the cues she'due south ready for yous to pop the date question successfully.

VIDEO: It only takes 8 simple texts to get a girl from Tinder out on a date. Discover them hither:

Signs Your Match is Ready to Say YES to a Engagement

E'er assume the girl is into you. It's ameliorate to be bullish on the date text rather than pussy footing around wondering whether or non she likes you, to and so miss the boat altogether.

Holding a positive mindset will assist proceed you from second guessing your judgements.

Even if y'all enquire her out too early on, the daughter yous're messaging will appreciate the fact you lot have the assurance to at least pop the question.

Remember, she'south swiped right for you… which is a big enough indication in itself to know she likes you!

Then now, all that's left, is to spot the signs she'southward comfy enough with the idea of coming together upwards with you.

Hither are some cues to await out for in the messages she sends yous:

She's Laughing, LOL'ing, and Partaking in the Barrack

If you're making her smile, laugh, and reply dorsum positively, these are all massive green flags. Peculiarly if she throws in some jokes and barrack herself.

However, e'er pay close attention to the level of investment she puts into her messages.

If y'all find yourself doing all the leg work – request questions, putting attempt into composing witty replies…and she gives you nothing to work with – she doesn't inquire questions back, or merely replies with but 'LOL' or 'Haha'.

Then it'southward similar prodding a lifeless corpse.

investment in a conversation with a girl on tinder

If that's the instance, her 'LOLs' and 'Hahas' can't exist taken as positive cues that she'due south ready for a date.

Here's an instance of that:

example of a girl not invested in the conversation on tinder

When this happens, it's best to burn these matches and movement onto the adjacent.

She's Asking Questions

Take every question she asks equally one pocket-sized step to building rapport and one behemothic leap to destination engagement-country.

what to say to a girl on Tinder by looking for the signs

If your match is request questions, yous've safely passed the first test – her impression of you is positive – your pics, bio, and kickoff messages.

At present she's committed to the conversation and interested in getting to know you. Basically she'southward sussing out if you're engagement-worthy or not.

Remember the investment calibration I mentioned… Ever proceed it in the dorsum of your mind! If the girl is asking questions, she's balls-deep invested.

Answer her questions, retain a playfulness with your responses, and if she reacts postively, you're ready to unleash the appointment bill of fare!

The Conversation is Fast Paced and Flowing

If she'due south replying quickly, she'southward clearly enthusiastic, enjoying the conversation, and hoping it'll lead to something.

The best time to ask a daughter on a date or exchange numbers, is when yous take hold of her in the right mood.

Strike whilst the irons hot. When she's buzzed and the happy feeling is strong – it volition be easy for her to say "Aye" to a appointment without giving it besides much thought.

Because a girl'south determination to date y'all is never actually based on logic, it'southward based on how she FEELS in the moment.

So if she'due south messaging fast and noticeably enjoying your chat, then there's never a better time to pop the date question.

Don't delay information technology. Her mood, along with her decision to date you or not, is likely to change if y'all enquire at the wrong fourth dimension.

The Allurement Slip Test

If yous're unsure whether Now is the right time to ask the daughter out, you can opt to test the water start.

Found the allurement and see if you get a nibble.

signs a girl likes you on tinder

Casually sideslip the suggestion of a meetup into the conversation, but whilst doing so, follow up with something else as a distraction.

The idea of this tactic is to plant the thought of a date, only as a coincidental suggestion so it doesn't force a commited response.

You then exam her respond. Whether or not she takes the bait – replies to the casual appointment suggestion in a positive way or chooses to ignore it.

Here's an case of the bait sideslip test in action:

bait slip test in action

The proposition of a drink was slipped into the chat. Notice how information technology doesn't force a answer.

I so changed the subject back to more rapport building.

Information technology takes the pressure off of her. She will have noticed the date text just can cull whether or not to respond to it, without the awkwardness of being put on the spot.

If she ignores the bait, and instead chooses to talk about what she does to 'go along herself decorated', with no mention of the drinkable suggestion – this is your cue to wait it out a bit longer, she's not comfortable with the idea of going on a engagement yet.

Even so, if she positively picks up on the fact you mentioned drinks, then it'south a dark-green lite!

Lock the appointment downward!

How to Ask a Girl Out / Exchange Numbers on Tinder

When you feel like your matches' interest is peaking, it's time to movement things off Tinder – go her number, FaceBook, or ultimately a meetup.

Lucky for you, considering if yous've picked upward on any of the signals mentioned above, you lot'll know she's keen and fix to hand over her digits. The transition to getting a date will be as smooth as James Bond ordering a dry out martini.

what to say to a girl on tinder james bond

But how you phrase the engagement text is VERY of import…and there are a number of means you can still screw up with this despite her giving y'all all the positive signs she wants to date you.

The Dating Message Don'ts:

First let's cover how to message a girl on Tinder the incorrect mode. Here are things to avert when asking a girl out:

The 'I did not run into that coming' Date Invite

It's e'er best to allow the date suggestion menstruum from a fluid conversation. Whilst you're texting her live – rapid dorsum and forth messaging.

Don't randomly message her out of the bluish when there'south been gaping blackness hole from when the conversation was concluding active. We're talking like 4+ hours of no coms. E'er let it lead from a fast flowing conversation.

With this daughter, I didn't get dorsum to her for 12 hours:

playing it too cool with a girl you message on tinder

The same goes for escalating as well quick. If all you've got is a reply to your first message, don't come in hot blooded and slap down the date invite!

You've gotta warm upward your matches and get to know them outset.

Placing the Ability in Her Court

Avoid phrasing your date invite like whatever of the following:

"Do you want to get a drink sometime?"
"When are you lot free?" or "What fourth dimension are you gratis?"
"Where yous wanna meet for coffee?"
"Can I get your number?"

If you lot phrase your date texts like this, you're but spoon feeding her the power. Information technology'due south now all on her terms. She can say YES or NO, or cull a night which might be inconvenient for y'all.

You're effectively letting her wearable the trousers from the go go.

When setting up the date, your match is looking for y'all to lead and be assertive. She wants you to be the man and make the decisions – choosing the venue, activities, and time of date.

Make it easy for her to say "Yes".

what to say to a girl on tinder by being dominant

Don't requite her the uneccessary stress of having to choose; a eating house, a fourth dimension to run into, or a nighttime she'due south gratis.

That's your job.

Existence also Available

"I'm free Monday–Friday nights, oh and Saturday and Sun"

Never appear similar you lot're too available (even if yous are). Otherwise your matches will presume your free time predominantly involves watching Netflix or playing Globe of Warcraft in your secret bunker.

Instead, y'all want to 'fit her in' to your busy schedule.

Women like a decorated man. Someone who puts there life goals and work first, and dating second. Think – Tony Stark, and Bruce Wayne:

setting up the date with a girl on tinder

Here are some good examples of what to say to a daughter on Tinder for arranging the time of the appointment:

"Im pretty decorated this calendar week, merely should be free Thursday dark"

"Let's do next Midweek if y'all're free and then, otherwise nosotros'll postpone to the post-obit week."

"I'm complimentary either Tuesday night or Friday night. Option wisely ;)"

In the next example, I was messaging this daughter on a Monday night, and permit her know I wasn't bachelor until Saturday earliest:

not being too available for a date on tinder

If your lucifer isn't bachelor the night you advise, try non to panic and backtrack by replying with "actually I'm also free Friday and Saturday also…"

Stick to your guns. If she wants to date y'all, she will make time for you. Expect information technology out and book her in next week instead.

The Dating Message Do's:

Now for how to bulletin a girl on Tinder the Right manner for setting upward the date.

Be Ascendant

The primal ingredient for setting up the date is 'dominance'. You need to accept control of the situation – the time and location of the engagement should be all on YOUR terms.

Like we've already discussed. You want to be the one calling the shots – be assertive and atomic number 82 like a homo.

Take the stress out of organising the date, and then it's piece of cake for her to say "Aye" to a come across up.

With this, it's best to avoid phrasing the date suggestion equally a question:

Eastward.g: "Practice yous want to go a drinkable sometime?"

Instead, supervene upon the question with a statement. You can do this using the give-and-take 'LET'S'

Here's an instance:

using the word lets to get a date on tinder

E'er assume she's going to say "Yes" to a date. Be presumptuous. It's attractive.

Once she replies with "Yes", continue with your overly dominant behaviour for picking the time and venue!

E.yard. "Absurd, let'south run into 7pm at Charlie's bar…
"we might even catch happy 60 minutes"

Or in this example of a Tinder friction match I transitioned over to Facebook:

tinder example on fb

Insinuating the Date

Like to the bait slip test, insinuating the date is a slap-up method to casually bring up the suggestion of a date without risking rejection.

Yous tin can do this by steering the conversation towards your intended end goal.

If the end goal is to take your match out for coffee, simply steer the conversation towards talking virtually coffee, cafes, or Starbucks.

Once on topic, let the date message naturally flow from the conversation about coffee:

"We should totally get Starbucks sometime, their new frappuccino choice is to die for"

Like the bait slip exam, there is no specific fourth dimension frame. You're not trying to lock her in yet. Just casually suggesting how it might be cool.

Then you simply wait and examination her reaction – if positive, you prepare up the appointment with authorisation!

Now you've acquired a powerful fix of skills for request a girl out on Tinder, the last component to discuss is when to exchange numbers and move things off of Tinder.

Exchanging Numbers on Tinder

This is always a big question mark….

When do you ask for her number? – Practice you go her number before asking her out? Or afterwards request her out? Or both at the same time?!

You'll notice some of my message screenshots are on Whatsapp, and FB messenger.

That's because I oft get a matches' number before asking a girl out.

The order you lot exercise this really depends on the state of affairs. There'southward no right or wrong mode to do it.

I find the best tactic is to establish the idea of a date on Tinder, without setting anything in stone, and so continue to ask for her digits.

In one case you've moved over to whatsapp, IM messenger etc. you confirm the date and setup the logistics.

To be honest, if y'all've made it this far, and the girl has already said "YES" to a appointment, then it actually doesn't thing at what point you commutation numbers.

It's situational. Some girls prefer keeping everything on Tinder, whereas some girls like to add you on Facebook first.

What if her Pictures Look a Niggling Misleading?

Yous know what I'm talking most…. 5 zoomed in face shots, a lot of makeup, and a heavy use of airbrushed Instagram / Snapchat filters.

If this is the case, adopt damage control!

Inquire for her Facebook BEFORE setting upwards the date.

Practice some background research to save yourself from a bad case of misrepresentation and a super bad-mannered first date with a beached whale.

If her Facebook photos match up – she's bonny enough in your optics – then continue to setup the date.

Otherwise abort mission!

How to Ask for a Girl's Number on Tinder

In terms of how you lot enquire for her number, follow the aforementioned principles detailed above for how yous ask for a engagement.

Be dominant, and presume she'll hand her digits over similar in this example:

exchanging numbers with a girl on tinder


xchanging fb with a girl on tinder

The Side by side Step

Now that you understand what to say to your matches on Tinder, yous're fix to discover the 8 magic messages to turn any Tinder match into a engagement, fuck buddy or girlfriend. This system is and then powerful, thousands of guys are using it like clockwork to effortlessly get hookups.

And so if you lot want to take total reward of Tinder, Bumble, or any other dating App yous're currently using, you lot'll want to watch this video before information technology'south taken downwards.

Click the image beneath to get to step 2, the solution:

Wrapping it up

I promise yous enjoyed my complete breakdown of what to say to a daughter on Tinder – from the first message to how yous become her out on a date!

It was incredibly fun putting this article together and fishing out some of my old Tinder examples. Together with a few extremely cringe examples, I like to call back there are some golden nuggets in at that place too 😉

Hopefully yous go a lot of value out of information technology, and apply it to successfully tee upwardly some dates with your matches.

If you feel similar I've missed anything important, delight pop a reply in the comments beneath. I'd dearest to hear whatever suggestions or tips currently working well for you on Tinder.

So there you accept it… a 5000 word brain overload on what to say to a daughter on Tinder! Now information technology'southward fourth dimension for you to get back to swiping and first putting your newfound techniques to practice!


Source: https://www.datingmetrics.com/what-to-say-to-a-girl-on-tinder/

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